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Submission Guidelines

A peer-reviewed academic publication, Indian Journal of Behavioral Research & Therapy is committed to disseminating thorough studies on human behavior in Indian contexts.Articles should use creative clinical applications, theoretical developments, or empirical research to increase our understanding, evaluation, prevention, or treatment of behavioral disorders. Research directly related to enhancing mental health and well-being in India is given priority.


Submissions must follow strict methodological guidelines and be based on solid theoretical frameworks, even though we welcome a wide variety of research methodologies. Research addressing the particular opportunities and difficulties faced by the Indian population is of particular relevance to us.

Guidelines :

  1. Papers submitted with the journal will undergo a review process which will can take between 3-6 weeks. In this process the Acceptance/ Rejection of the paper will be decided. Once a paper is submitted with the IJBRT, please do not submit it with any other journal until a confirmation is received from our end.  

  2. Formatting of the paper much include- 0.5 inches margin from all sides. The Times New Roman font ( size 12) must be used in the entire document/ manuscript.  

  3. Set up the spacing to 1.15 & “Justify” the entire document. The journal uses double-column text, so format it accordingly. 

  4. Word limit (maximum limit- excluding Abstract & References)-  for empirical studies- 5000 words,  for theoretical and review studies- 7000 words,  for Brief Reports- 2000 words, for Letter to Editor- 1500 words. 

  5. Writing that effectively communicates the research findings is given top priority. Longer manuscripts might be accepted, but the evaluation process might take longer.

  6. Standard grammar, syntax, and punctuation used in American English must be followed in all contributions. If at all feasible, please utilise active voice to improve reading and clarity. It is less direct to say "A study was conducted" than it is to say "We conducted a study." The use of active voice highlights the author's contributions and sets them out from the cited researchers' work.

  7. The journal follows APA guidelines. ( 7th Edition) 

  8. Each image and table included in the manuscript should be accompanied by a concise caption explaining its purpose or significance. Additionally, all tables should be numbered sequentially and cited within the article body.

  9. Plagiarism must be strictly below 10-15% for the entire manuscript. 

  10.  The author(s) must ensure that their work is entirely unique and does not infringe on any existing copyright. Additionally, the content should be free of defamation or offensive material. If any quotes or figures are used from published sources, the necessary permissions must be obtained.

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Structure of the paper

The article organise should be as follows:

Title, authorship, institutional and electronic address; Abstract; Key Words, shorts Introduction (including literature review), Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, tables and figures. 

{Please note: All material accepted in only English Language}

Structure of the Paper

Title: A concise statement of the main topic and should clearly convey the focus of the paper. Avoid using abbreviations. It should comprise of 10-15 words at most. It should be placed centrally with Bold lowercase except the initial letter.  

Author’s Name: Author names should be written in centered, bold, with the initial letter of each name in uppercase. The names should be divided by commas, with the final two names separated by the conjunction “and.” After the first name of each author, include an Arabic numeral in superscript to indicate the author’s address or institutional affiliation. 

For example, the names should be formatted as follows: ¹John A. Smith, ²Emily R. Johnson, and ³Michael T. Chen. 

The corresponding addresses or affiliations should be listed as follows: 

¹ Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 

² School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; and 

³ Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 

Ensure that each superscript numeral matches the appropriate address or affiliation provided.

Designation of Author: Designation of the author with information like Department, University, City, State, Pin code, Country (Centered, Bold, Initial letter of each word in caps)


Contact Info: Below the designation, add the electronic mail of the authors

Abstract ( In upper  case & Bold)

Abstract body including research problem, hypotheses, methods, results, and implications without section headings. It should be one single paragraph. First line indent of 0.5 cm. (250 words).​

Literature review

ROLs in text format rather than tabular, strictly follow APA 7t guidelines to report studies. First line indent of 0.5 cm.​


Body including all the charts, tables and figures along with captions according to APA 7th guidelines. Only add a brief description of the charts, tables and figures in the result section, and add the explanations in discussion section.​


Body (250 words). Do not use numbering and bullet points.


Body (include proper in text citations in APA 7th format. Studies should be related to the topic and should highlight the need for the research that you are conducting). First line indentation of 0.5 cm.​


Body including aim, objectives, variables, hypotheses, sampling method, data collection method (including description of the tool), procedure, and statistical analysis used for the research as sub headings in proper APA 7th guidelines.​


Body (interpretation from the tables, charts, figures etc to be explained in detail). First line indent of 0.5 cm. Add future implications, limitations, and future scope of research at the end of this section. Do not club discussion and conclusion.​


Alphabetical order, hanging indent of 0.5 cm, Strictly follow APA 7th guidelines.

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