Diploma Program
Diploma in Child Psychology
Children do not deal with situations in the same way adults do because they do not process information the same way. In fact they do not have similar expressive or reasoning skills. Thus by understanding the child psychology, you can better understand children and even equip them to become well-adjusted and able to express their views. The Diploma in Child Psychology can help you find out about the nature and development of children. Our short-term course provides you with an opportunity to increase your knowledge that in turn can help you face the changing challenges of parenting. The Diploma in Child psychology is relevant for both new and experienced parents and for anybody in teaching or day-care service of young children.
Learning Objectives
The purpose of this Diploma in Child Psychology is to reveal by examples and case studies, how the latest theories in Child Psychology may be applied to real world situations. This course is intended to help those who work with children or those who are parents learn to think in new and more conscious ways about the child raising experience. Students will learn alternative ways to understand and relate to children and to themselves as parents or as adults who care for children.
Course Modules
06 Months
Online through LMS
Rs. 33,000/- (All Included)
Course Structure
Core Module 01 - Attachment & Separation
+ Attachment? / Secure & insecure attachments
+ The parent’s bond / The infant’s bond / Failure of bonding
+ Effects of parental practices, Maternal employment
+ Separation anxiety – the dependent child
+ Transitional objects
+ Parents’ separation fears, who is losing whom
Core Module 02 - Sense of Self & Self-Esteem
+ The objective self, Infant’s self-understanding
+ Self-esteem, Importance of self-esteem in the parents
+ The fragile self & how children protect it
+ Adolescence – the toddler in the teen, Identity formation
+ Erikson’s theory of development
Core Module 03 - Gender & Sexuality
+ Gender similarities & differences
+ Gender stereotyping, Gender & the media
+ Sexuality in childhood
+ Socio-biology
+ Sons & daughters, Co-education/single sex schools
+ Defence mechanisms
+ Sex & drugs & rock & roll
Core Module 04 - Discipline & Moral Development
+ Discipline or punishment? Self discipline
+ Smacking – the debate
+ Specific problem behaviours
+ Jean Piaget’s developmental model, Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory
+ Moral education, Poisonous pedagogy
Core Module 05 - Temperament & Personality
+ The role of temperament
+ ‘Easy’ kids, ‘Difficult’ kids, ‘Quiet’ kids
+ Impact of the family – styles of parenting
+ Stress, Optimism, pessimism & resilience
+ Heredity – environment interaction
Core Module 06 - Family Relationships
+ Family structure, The family as a system
+ Divorce & separation, Step-parent/Step-child relationships
+ Sibling relationships, Birth order, Only children
+ The family life cycle – a 6-stage model
+ Family therapy
+ Caring for yourself as a parent