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Diploma Program

Diploma in Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is a scientific approach to studying human thoughts, feelings, and behavior, with a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses, building the good in life instead of repairing the bad, and taking the lives of average people up to “great” instead of focusing solely on moving those who are struggling up to “normal” (Peterson, 2008).

Learning Objectives

  • Learn a variety of positive psychology activities, resources, and tactics that you can put to use right now to help people flourish.

  • Increase your awareness and understanding of the human mind which will aid your ability to understand and help others.

  • Learn about positive psychology, wellbeing, and neuroscience science, theory, and current research.

  • Take part in dynamic personal development activities such as wellbeing inventory, strength tests, and gratitude .

  • The course is adaptable and has been created to work around your hectic schedule.

  • You will leave with practical tools that you may use right now to achieve quick results in both your own personal life and if you are working with vulnerable adults.

  • Implement Good New Habits and change the Bad Outdated bad Habits

  • Understand the Connection between Meditation, Happiness, Optimism and Success

  • Learn and Apply in your life on a daily basis Seven Secrets of Habits and Happiness

  • Develop New Goal Setting Techniques while keeping your Happiness in Mind

Course Modules



06 Months


Online through LMS


Rs. 24,600/- (All Included)

Course Structure

Module 01 - What is Positive Psychology

+ The History of Positive Psychology.

+ A New Perspective on Human Behavior.

+ The relationship between happiness and success.

+ What Determines Happiness.

+ The components of happiness.

+ Self development exercise. Positive Belief Record.

Module 02 - The science of happiness

+ The relationship between habits and happiness

+ The four types of habits

+ Can habits be changed?

+ Effective skills for altering your habits and transforming your life.

+ Self development exercise. Facing your fears.


Module 03 - The 3 pillars of positive psychology

+ Positive experiences, positive individual traits

+ Understanding positive emotions

+ Positive Emotions and Joy

+ Positive approaches to building cognitive emotions.

+ Self Development exercise


Module 04 - The PERMA model. Five facets of wellbeing

+ Human Flourishing: Strengths and Resilience

+ What does it mean to flourish

+ Building positive character and well-being

+ Concept of resilience.

+ Personal development exercise.


Module 05 - The Resilience Factor

7 Essential Skills to Finding Your Inner Strength

+ Flourishing with Others: Building Thriving Relationships

+ Stress related growth and “bouncing back”, learning and growing

+ Mental toughness -Becoming a stronger persons.

+ Positive reappraisal, Perseverance and Self Efficacy

+ Personal Development exercise


Module 06 - Mindfulness & FLOW

+ Courage & Mindfulness

+ Psycho-physiological Underpinnings of Gratitude

+ What Neuroplasticity Has to Do With Positive Psychology

+ Defining Forgiveness

+ Enhancing the good and positive schooling

+ Personal Development exercise


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